Solace. Where shall I find it? Matthew 18:20!

Our calm lives have taken an abrupt change. The COVID-19 pandemic obviously has been the reason. It is a worldly problem; it hits everyone regardless of where you live. We have been instructed constantly on how to keep safe. And hopefully, governments throughout the world are working to contain it. Here in the United States, schools are shutting, all types of sports programs have been cancelled and the list goes on and on.

People are concerned, and justly so. In times like this, we normally turn to our faith and implore God to help us out. We may have been away from our faith, but in situations like this, we like to visit a church, a synagogue, a mosque or any other place of worship. When we are in such places as these, we feel solace, knowing that we are in a place that has GOD’s presence. For a few moments we feel HIS presence and feel refreshed and at ease.

Then it happens! The news informs us that these places are being shut down for an unspecified time, until we have the coronavirus under control. Where shall I go? We have been instructed to keep away from crowds and to stay at home in order to contain this deadly disease.

God’s presence is everywhere. Places of worship are for our communal celebrations. When you pray at home, God is with you. How do we know that? Look up Matthew18:20.
“For where there are two or more gathered together in my name, there I am with them.” I truly believe that if it is only one person, God is there also.

Our interaction with God is real. He is there with you. Prayers at home during this crisis, I believe, will give us a deeper appreciation of our faith. Why? We are one-on-one with Him. And once the ban is lifted, I believe that when we enter our places of worship, our communal prayers will have a deeper impact.
Solace. Where will I find it? Mathew 18:20.


I am too far gone … HE will never let me in

With the season of Advent in full swing, it is time for some serious reflection. This is the season when we await the birth of our Lord Jesus. It is a new beginning. Not only did He come to suffer for all the sins of humanity, but more importantly, He opened the gates of heaven for all humanity.

crossMany of us think that we are too far gone to merit heaven. Nothing could be further from the truth. God’s mercy has no limit, regardless of the transgressions we have made.

I believe the following is all the proof you need to believe that God’s mercy is limitless.

In the time of Christ, crucifixion was mandated for serious crimes as well as crimes against the state. Let’s go to the Gospel of Luke 23:39-43 which is the story of the crucifixion of Jesus and two other criminals.

“Now one of the criminals hanging there reviled Jesus, saying, ‘Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us.’ The other however, rebuking him said in reply, ‘Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal.’ Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ Jesus replied to him, ‘Amen I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’”

Wow! Let that sink in.

Here is a criminal who was justly accused of a crime and admits to it. Yet deep down, he makes a profession of faith recognizing Jesus as the Savior promised in the Old Testament and asks Jesus to remember him. Jesus, with limitless mercy, obviously forgives his sins and promises him entrance to paradise. Again, let that sink in. The first ones into paradise are Jesus and a criminal. The power of love… mercy… and forgiveness.

No! You are not too far gone. Regardless of your sins, a profession of faith will let you in.

A call to arms … He must not stand alone

It has been a few weeks since my last blog. No excuses, maybe it was summer or whatever. So here goes.

Last week, I attended a discussion by Bishop Lawrence Persico at Holy Cross Church in Fairview, Pa. He mentioned that any question asked would be answered honestly and to the best of his ability. The topics to be covered were the abuse crisis, the clergy shortage, parish restructuring and the future of the diocese.

Sad Teenager cries, her girlfriend sympathizes

No need to preach on street corners — just be Christ-like.

Most of the program covered the abuse crisis and very little of the other topics. Why? Because he knew that was on minds of the audience.

As he talked, you could sense the people listening very attentively, while at the same time, admiration building for the man as he pulled no punches in his discussion. It was almost as though he was bearing the sins of corruption in the church and confessing them.

He was so Christ-like. It reminded me of Christ, suffering for all our sins. For me, it was a very spiritual moment. Here is a spiritual man who opened his heart and mind and answered any question that was offered by the people.

One of the last questions asked of him was, “What can we do as fellow Christians to help the church during this crisis?” His answer was very direct. No need to preach on street corners — just be Christ-like.

In my lifetime, I can name very few people who had an impact on me. After that night, the bishop is one. As we go through this crisis, he must not stand alone! We are members of the church and unbeknownst to us, a call to arms has been issued to us. We must answer the call and be more Christ-like. Lead by example!





The priest, the music man, the evangelist

I thought it was time to talk about some of the good priests that have been doing God’s work. One I would like to talk about is a priest in the parish I was associated with in the late 1940s. His name was Father Charles Borgognoni, better known as Father Charles.

Also, at this time, I am going to insert myself into this blog.

During the ‘40s, I was like any young person at the time. Yes, I believed in God, did my Sunday duty by going to Mass, and once in a great while, going to confession. You get the picture.

spotlightsWell, it seems that the good Father Charles was putting on a church play and my friends and I decided to go see it. After the show, I said to myself, “This is something I would like to get involved in.”  The next production was coming up in a few months, so I decided to sign up. But there was one catch. You had to join the Discussion Club.

This was a club that Father Charles monitored, and obviously, included in the meetings were lessons in the faith. I said, “What the heck, if it gets me on stage, I’m okay with it.” Members of the club, in most cases, were members of past casts or interested in future productions. Over the years, not only did I enjoy the parts that I played, but I made many new friends. It also solidified my relationship with my future wife, Marie.

Something else happened not only to me, but to the other members of the cast. Unbeknownst to us, our faith was being strengthened.

I recall during many of the rehearsals, Father Charles would be reading his breviary, (the daily prayers a priest has to do) with one hand, and with the other hand, he would be directing the music. To this day, this image is very vivid in my being.

There’s another image that still gives me goose bumps.

Picture the following: You have practiced at least four months, and it is now opening night. You are at one of the major movie houses in Syracuse. There is a crowd of at least 2,500 to 3,000 in the audience. The overture is playing, and Father gathers us backstage: all the players, all those who work backstage, makeup artists, stagehands etc. Most of these people are members of Our Lady of Pompeii Parish. Father then calls for a moment of silence. You could hear a pin drop. Everyone bows their head, and he prays for the success of the production. I sincerely believe in that exact moment, the Holy Spirit was with us. To see people from teens to their sixties, all in concert with Father in prayer, was magical. His priesthood touched us all and made better believers of all of us…the priest, the music man, the evangelist.

Fast forward to now. Yes, the church today is going through some critical times. But keep your eyes on the ball. Dismiss the foul balls — we have a plethora of good priests like Father Charles who are doing God’s work daily.

It may not be in music, but is sure all heck is in evangelism!

Keep the faith.




Awaiting…Awaiting…Awaiting with open arms and open heart

What in God’s creation — what am I going to do? Here I am, down to my last dollar. I must be crazy, when I think about it.

A long while back, I told my father, “I am restless, don’t like working on the farm, I have ventures I want to explore.” He said, “Are you sure?”

I said, “Positively! However, can you bankroll me? I’ll need some money.” After much pleading, my dad goes to the bank and puts a mortgage on his home. Now, with the bucks in hand, I leave.

“Wow! Finally I am out of here.”

Now look at me. After all this time, I am down to my last dollar. All my money spent foolishly, be it wine, women or song. I blew it all and now? Nowhere to go. What am I to do?  I have been an irresponsible son. I took my dad’s hard-earned money and wasted it on my ventures. If I go home, I am afraid he will kick me out. But it is my only alternative. So, I go.

Expecting the worst, my mind is mulling through all the alternatives that await me. Is he going to tell me, “In the final analysis, you made your choice! Now depart and live with it!”

As I approach the farm, I see my father running toward me. He probably spotted me and is going to tell me, “Stop and get out of here! You made your choice, now live with it!”

I am full of sorrow for what I have put him through. He rushes up to me and pulls me in with open arms and open heart, and says, “Welcome prodigal.jpghome son.”

Does the story sound familiar? It sure is. It is the parable of the prodigal son. Look it up Luke 15: 11-32. The message is simple. The Father’s love was all powerful and the son’s past was forgiven.

Many of us today struggle with the same feelings. Should I go to church and ask God’s forgiveness, regardless of how bad my transgressions are? The answer is definitely, “Yes!”  He is awaiting…awaiting…with open arms and open heart!




What’s It All About Alfie? … Fame? … Riches? … What?

Recently, I visited my grandson and his wife in Tennessee. As always, it is great to see your family. However, this visit took an unsuspecting turn. The matriarch of this particular clan had invited us to attend their family get-together the coming Saturday. Unbeknown to both my wife and I was the fact that the matriarch — who is called Betty — changed the date of the family gathering so my wife, my daughter and I could attend.

Let me take you through the day’s events. We were graciously greeted by Betty and her daughters. Soon the rest of the families started to arrive: brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and friends, etc. The count was just too many to enumerate. Now Betty had her house set up with tables in every room: the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, the den. Wherever she could place a table, she placed it.

Now picture this: the kitchen is bountiful with all kinds of food and sweets. With the help of her daughters, dinner is ready to be served. The place is buzzing with activity, conversations are going on throughout the premise at the various tables and the youngsters are all over the place doing what youngsters do. Yes, the activity is at a high pitch.  Then it stops!

Why?  One of the men of the family calls for silence. Then in his own words, words from his heart and soul, he asks the Lord to bless the food and bless all the people who are there. It is a very spiritual moment. All are quiet and with shuttered eyes, partake in communion with him in his prayer. It is a very touching and religious happening.

After his prayer, Betty the matriarch says, “Dinner is served!” The rooms again are alive with conversation and children playing. The lines form and everyone helps themselves to the absolute delectable southern dishes that are available. Then back to their tables the people go and spice up their dishes with more conversation.

The matriarch scans the tables to make sure everyone is pleased and to remind them that there are seconds to be had. She is a very happy woman. She knows… What it is All About Alfie!

It’s about LOVE!





We are our brother’s keeper

A few months ago, a horrendous tragedy took place: the slaughter of the innocents at the Jewish temple in Pittsburgh. Everyone of different faiths united, rightly so, in grief for the deaths of their Jewish brethren. The congregation was celebrating the birth of a Jewish child when the perpetrator opened fire and killed 11 Jewish brethren. Why? Was it because they were not of his faith? The temple worshippers were in the act of praising God as their faith demanded. Does God place a restriction on what faith you must belong to? If deep in your heart, you worship God and he knows that, are not your prayers accepted by God? Yes, they are!

Let me set a scene for you.

First, let us go to Mark 9:38-41. Jesus is walking with the Apostles and disciples, and John says to Jesus, ”Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.”

Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who at the same time can speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us. Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.”

The message: We are all God’s children and therefore, we are our brother’s keeper!

May our 11 Jewish brethren receive their just reward.

Amen!! Shalom!!


The gates of hell shall not prevail against it

The Roman Catholic Church is in treacherous waters today. It is evident that we have many of our clerics at all levels not practicing what they preach. It is obvious that action has to be taken. With the advent of the internet, stories spread like wildfire, and many of the faithful are now questioning their faith, because of sins of some of our clergy. Most importantly, the cover up by those in position of authority is of concern. This could be the biggest event in the faith since the Reformation. Unless we act to correct this situation, we may be in throes of another reformation.

What should be the response? Should you say, “I have had it!” and just leave the faith, as many are doing? Or should we say, “Let’s act in a rapid and methodical fashion and address the problem.” It is up to us to make our thoughts known. Our clerics in positions of authority must act like Jesus did…

It was the season of Passover and the money changers were in the sacred grounds of the temple. Jesus was ANGRY! They were defiling the House of God! He overturned their tables, he chastised other vendors and made a whip out of his belt and lashed them till they left (Matthew21:13). That is what our clergy in power should do. Get angry and take action. Now is the time to act before the raging fire gets out of control via the internet.

As for myself, I will stick by my faith. Our faith was instituted by Christ and he promised us that he would be with us regardless of what happens. Matthew 16:18: “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it (the church…that’s us!). So stick by your faith and realize that it is run by human beings along with their frailties. As a college professor said to me in the 1950s, when unions were rampant with corruption: “You do not throw the baby out with the dirty water.” Let’s clean up the mess but keep the faith.

And lastly, many of the clergy at the parish level are hurting internally. They are walking the via Delarosa, the path to Calvary. Help them carry their cross. Let them know that you feel their pain and they have your support. It is an act of compassion for you and more importantly, it gives them a boost in their morale and a validation of their vocation.

And remember…the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!






2 Corinthians 5:7…We walk by faith, not by sight

A young Cherokee boy must go through a ritual in order to prove he is worthy to be called a young brave as well as a young man. Before he enters this ritual, he must vow not to tell any of the other children in the tribe what transpired in the ritual. Here is a boy between 12 and 14, made to realize that he is taking a most secret and sacred oath. Once he agrees, the ritual begins.

It is nighttime, and in total darkness, hand-in-hand with his father, he enters the deep woods. His father blindfolds him completely and sits him down on a log. He says to him, “Son, I am sitting you down on this log and again do you vow not to take this blindfold off until you see and sense daylight coming through the blindfold? Lastly, I will be leaving you here all alone. Do you understand what I just said?”

He ponders his father’s thoughts, and though hesitant, he answers, “Yes, Dad.”

The father leaves. And sitting on a log in the middle of the forest, with no weapons but only his faith, he spends the night listening to the rustle of the trees and the bushes and wondering what fate will befall him. He hears the night sounds of the animals and again, has no weapon to defend himself but his faith.

The night is long, it never seems to end. As morning approaches, the sounds of the deep forest begin to subside. And then it happens, he begins to sense sunlight coming through his blindfold. He then takes off his blindfold and is immediately awestruck. Sitting a few yards away from him is his father! His father never left him! He was there to protect him, if needed. The young boy has proven his manhood, and now can be recognized as a brave.

How many times have we sat seemingly alone with all our troubles, regardless of what they are, not wanting to share them with anyone? You try to work out these troubles by yourself. Like the young faithful Indian boy, unbeknownst to him, he has his father close.

And you have ABBA, our Father, who is there to help you through your troubles. We walk in faith, not in sight.”

Alleluia!!!  A.M.D.G


Writer’s block—are you kidding me?

For the last two weeks or so, I have been mulling what I can write about. What can I say that I have not said before? Maybe I just should look back at some old blogs and re-post them.

Nah, that just will not work. I am in a dilemma. My brain is going around and around looking for subjects to write about. I am looking at the news, I am reading the newspaper. Nothing is really hitting me. I have writer’s block!

I say to myself, “Okay Francesco, get serious.” I sit down in my favorite chair and take a deep breath. In a moment of silence, I ask the Lord to help me out on this. Then it hit me! (Or did He hit me?) Just sit down and start to write and the words will flow. Forget about a subject and just write what comes into your mind. So here goes. It’s amazing what a few moments of silence and a call for help from God can do. Try it sometime.

I must tell you it has been on my mind, especially during Lent, to visit an old friend who is a shut-in. This week I did it. It was good to see him, but better yet, he was so happy to have someone visit him. We spent the better part of an hour together. I could see the gladness in his eyes and in seeing that, it made me sad and remorseful that I have waited so long to see him. I promised him that we will meet again. When I left, my soul was refreshed knowing that I gave a shut-in some moments away from his maladies. If you know a shut-in, I implore you, make a visit. If distance is a challenge, call. It is a blessing waiting to happen for both parties. And what better time than during Lent?

While we are at it, and the mention of Lent has come up, here is a thought for you: I know, I just know that many of you think maybe I just should make a visit not only to a shut-in, but maybe to a church of my choice. “The visit to a shut-in maybe,” you’re thinking, “but a visit to a church? Nah, I just do not have the time to do that too.”

Is that the real reason? Nope! You know as well as I do that is not the reason. Maybe it is because you have been away too long. Maybe a cleric did something you did not appreciate. Guess what? Enough of the excuses. Stop for a moment, dig down deep—and I mean really deep—and you will find that something is telling you to make a visit. Dwell on that for a moment. And then think of the words from the prayer, “The Our Father.” The following words will hit home: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Does that not open wide the doors of the church for you?

Now think about it. You can make a visit to spend a few minutes with God in silence. And just like a shut-in, God is soooo glad to see you! I guarantee you will be soooo refreshed, just as I felt after my visit with a shut-in. It is a blessing waitng to happen!

Writers block—are you kidding me? The story of life has so many daily meaningful nuggets that give us joy and serenity, just waiting to be written about!

A.M.D.G.   …   Francesco