Our calm lives have taken an abrupt change. The COVID-19 pandemic obviously has been the reason. It is a worldly problem; it hits everyone regardless of where you live. We have been instructed constantly on how to keep safe. And hopefully, governments throughout the world are working to contain it. Here in the United States, schools are shutting, all types of sports programs have been cancelled and the list goes on and on.

People are concerned, and justly so. In times like this, we normally turn to our faith and implore God to help us out. We may have been away from our faith, but in situations like this, we like to visit a church, a synagogue, a mosque or any other place of worship. When we are in such places as these, we feel solace, knowing that we are in a place that has GOD’s presence. For a few moments we feel HIS presence and feel refreshed and at ease.

Then it happens! The news informs us that these places are being shut down for an unspecified time, until we have the coronavirus under control. Where shall I go? We have been instructed to keep away from crowds and to stay at home in order to contain this deadly disease.

God’s presence is everywhere. Places of worship are for our communal celebrations. When you pray at home, God is with you. How do we know that? Look up Matthew18:20.
“For where there are two or more gathered together in my name, there I am with them.” I truly believe that if it is only one person, God is there also.

Our interaction with God is real. He is there with you. Prayers at home during this crisis, I believe, will give us a deeper appreciation of our faith. Why? We are one-on-one with Him. And once the ban is lifted, I believe that when we enter our places of worship, our communal prayers will have a deeper impact.
Solace. Where will I find it? Mathew 18:20.
